Monday, January 14, 2013

Things you do when you are free

Had a couple of spare hours at home after doing preparations for some events i'm planning to boost YGO in Singapore (Interested people can see here, like the page!). So what else to do? Go on crazy deck building mode to test out my theories of course! Deck names are extra plain for lack of thinking of names

*M/T may seem similar cause I kinda duplicated the decks then just adjusted accordingly. Though my physical deck will probably have those similar cards in the various builds, so...

Phantom Beast Plane Debris Dandy
1. Milling through Trooper to fuel Debris, COTH, Hamstrato
2. Plant engine fits in, with Spore going level 4 to make Plover with PBPs if you want to exceed, though synchro is always good
3. Zephyros recycles Tether-Wolf, Debris, Aerial Charge, COTH, good stuff
4. Phantom Beast Cross-Wing for lol factor
5. Seems to have too much monsters though, may reduce abit. Or maybe its just my draw luck as usual, Trooper kept milling m/t

Phantom Beast Plane Machina Kuri
1. Machina Engine is always good in deck filled with machines
2. Saizan and Nishanpachi alone gives you 2 Bureido if you have Gearframe + Unknown/One for One in starting turn for 2 draws

Phantom Beast Plane Pure
1. Standard beatdown with lock through Ancient Forest
2. Debris into Ancient Faerie Dragon with Ancient Forest is even more cool

Some thoughts after building and testing, though only tested the Debris Dandy build.
1. Black-Falcon plus Wind Art combo is cool stuff, seriously should be maxed out. (Attack, token appears, spin opp monster, restep, attack and token again)
Double checked on rulings, combo does not work as they updated the rulings that it is no longer a new attack declaration
2. The PBPs are all pretty boring on their own, need at least a friend to kickstart engine, though we already knew that
3. Deck kinda starts slow which is sorta fatal in current meta, but strong in mid-late game. (Basically had like 8 cards to opp's 2 in test match. He had to waste 3 cards to kill my Drago-Sac lol)
4. Buy more tokens, deck needs them badly

Anyway, as before dont really like to play as much on Dnet. I find it very useful for posting up deck lists and checking for card info along with deck building, but somehow just dont fancy clicking my way through a game. Earlier had a game with alot of headaches remember the different dandy tokens and Phantom Beast Plane tokens, cant seem to add a counter on tokens to differentiate them. May try again in the future, but maybe not so soon...

I want the cards soon!!!


  1. Seems so random...
    I'm sure that it work!

  2. Ur idea too much liaw ! Any idea on harpie ?

  3. Any thoughts on Fires of Doomsday? It can provide some meat shield as well as tributes for the planes.
    Also, Reptillian Vaskii is another fun card. Imagine your opp laughing at you behind a Drago Sac and 2 tokens, then you summon Vaskii by eating his 2 tokens, shoot the damn plane down and direct for 2k6 lol XD

  4. In the karakuri beast plane, you named it "Phantom Beast Plane Debris Dandy", like the first decklist ;)

  5. Doomsday would be better and make room on the field instead of scapegoat. especially if you wanna protect one of your monsters for a future play.

  6. @mike No ideas for them yet since they are not machines lol, still concentrating on my planes. Think they are way too overhyped though.

    @Anonymous & JDragon Yeah, I will probably replace Scapegoat. Just thinking right now if I want Devil Sanct or Doomsday. 1 is faster while 1 is safer

    Reptilian Vaskii is on my radar as a side side option against other PBPs, though not as a main deck card.

    @rechocho Thanks! Didnt notice, abit too much copy and pasting of formats and it was alr 2am lol

    1. anon2 here: i play both doomsday and scapegoat, the latter can serve as otk stopper.
      vaskii is just a fun card IMO, i think you can use it mirror match sometimes, but still too situational.

  7. (Attack, token appears, spin opp monster, restep, attack and token again)

    After the replay, are you sure you can get the second token?

    1. Sure, it says when you declare attack. In this scenario you will declare attack another time so you do get the token again

    2. Apologies, rechecked the rulings and i believe they now consider it the replay to not be taken as another attack declaration so the token will not appeared

  8. can you post your extra deck? I cant choose between all the options. thank you!

    1. Honestly still forming up the extra decks lol. Im considering between them myself lol

  9. I have a question can the ham-stratos be destroyed when he flips and gets his eff cuz i have been testing it in YGO PRO and it gets destroyed but his eff state that if there are tokens he cant be destroyed soo dont get it???

  10. Whats the extra deck looking like?
