Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Scrap Shark Idea??

Scrap Shark, a card which seemed so simple to use and has no other use except as a beatstick which sends monster to grave when it dies of Scrap effect. Insert some yugi alike famous line "All cards have infinite possibilities!"

Combo: Scrap Shark + Creature Swap!

Step 1: Summon Scrap Shark
Step 2: Activate Creature Swap

1. Steal opponent monster, and Scrap Shark goes to opponent.
2. Scrap Shark self destructs by its own effect
3. You send Scrap monster to grave
4. Point at opponent and laugh at his face of disbelief.

In the end, I probably wont use the combo myself since I dont have anything else really useful to main Creature Swap. However, something for the other versions of Scrap deck users to think about.... Moja anyone?


  1. I don't think this combo works.

    correct activation as below

    Step 1: Summon Scrap Shark
    Step 2: Activate Creature Swap
    Step 3: chain Scrap Shark effect

    so shark effect resolve first before creature swap

  2. Lol no. Scrap Shark only activates after everything has been resolved.

  3. Scrap Shark ruling of self destruct is similar to spirit reaper. Meaning, you only resolve its self destruction upon resolving all effects in the chain, assuming its still on the field.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. lol i hadn`t thought about that... xD im sure tht ill see my friend KEVIN LANDIVAR yepp!!! KEVIN LANDIVAR..!! from Ecuador.. xD usiing this Combo.. he's such a Fckn NETDECKER...!! xP and... me tooo... when Shark releases in TCG ill do it... lol.... =D ThnX... Bahamut!!
