Sunday, August 2, 2009

Banlist prediction [9/1/2009]

And now we have arrived in August. This month's issue of Jump magazines will most likely have the banlist. As usual, I would just place my predictions just for the fun of it.

Note: This is just a prediction and what I feel. This is not the actual ban list to come and you can be unhappy about it.


Dark Armed Dragon
No comments lol


None. It seems Konami is comfortable with the current.

Restrict to 1:

Summon Priest
Rescue Cat
We would all love to see this go in =)

Judgement Dragon
Self Explanatory.

Dark Dive Bomber
I don't think Konami would want to hurt their new Synchro Theme by banning one already. And it is better than getting hit by 2 and game.

Restrict to 2:

X Saber Airbelun
High stats and great effect.

Gladiator Proving Ground
Look at Reinforcement of the Army!

Reinforcement of the Army
Two is the best number, it has stayed that way for many many years and then they just had to ruin it by releasing it to 3.

Black Whirlwind
Permanent Reinforcement of the Army every turn and it is Card Advantage! Balanced?

Dimension Warrior Lady
Personal wish. My Shine angels have no more target besides itself and Honest (and Viper XD) =(

Solar Exchange
Look at Allure of Darkness

Lonefire Blossom
Insta-Tytanial with ZERO effort. There are other target like Gigaplant (and the whole variety of OTKs that it is capable of)

Seal of Heritage
Crazy combo with Dewloren, Lonefires, crazy decks with 3 of everything. They will be blessed with Bahamut-god-hand. =)

Burial from Another Dimension
People overlook this as effect is not very appealing. Putting crazy stuff back into the grave and using their effect from the grave leads to crazy advantage.

No Restrict:

Destiny Draw
Who the hell plays this anymore!

Forest Guardian Green Baboon
As above!


Final List


Dark Armed

R to 1

Summon Priest
Rescue Cat
Judgement Dragon
Dark Dive Bomber

R to 2

X Saber Airbelun
Lonefire Blossom
DD Warrior Lady
Reinforcement of the Army
Gladiator Proving Ground
Black Whirlwind
Solar Exchange
Burial from Another Dimension
Seal of Heritage
E Hero Airman *secret wish*

No Restriction

Forest Guardian Green Baboon
Destiny Draw

Note: This is just a prediction and what I feel. This is not the actual ban list to come and you can be unhappy about it.

I am hoping that Lightlord deck will become a Lightlord deck. Not "The deck that has lightlords in its name but wins by Judgement Dragon lol"


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