So your beloved Bahamut sama is going to do everyone a favor and dissect the effect into little bits for people to read.

Tragoedia 「トラゴエディア」
DARK/Demon - Effect/10/?/?
When you take Battle Damage, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 600 Points for each card in your hand. Once per turn, by sending 1 monster from your hand to the Graveyard, take control over 1 face-up monster you opponent controls with equal level as the sent monster. Also once per turn, you can select 1 monster in your Graveyard, and until the End Phase of this turn, this card becomes the same level as the selected monster.
When you take Battle Damage, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.
This is different from Gorz and all it takes is just take a battle damage. Meaning, you can ram your recruiter, summon Tragoedia and still search with a recruiter. Any searcher would even be better since it's like paying some life points to instantly summon a big monster from your hand. I'm sure no one would activate a monster removal on a Sangan/Goblin Zombie, unless its a Dimensional Prison. But if they had the monster removal in the first place, Tragoedia would just die in the end so it doesn't matter lol.
This is so similar to Gorz, so the same rule applies, you cannot use Solemn Judgement to negate it's efffect. Of course, you can still use Divine Wrath.
Fun stuff, when there are 5 monsters on your field and you take battle damage, you cannot summon Tragoedia because during damage resolution, your monster slot are still full. And of course, you cannot summon more than 1 Tragoedia at once from your hand by its effect.
Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 600 Points for each card in your hand.
This is a continuous effect and constantly changing according to the hand size. So using Book of Moon on this guy is not gonna reset its attack. Also, using stats modifier that are based on base attack such as Shrink and Megamorph would do nothing to this guy. As the stats are ?/?, it is considered as undefined and in this case treated as 0.
Once per turn, by sending 1 monster from your hand to the Graveyard, take control over 1 face-up monster you opponent controls with equal level as the sent monster.
The text says send, so no funny Dark World business to be done here. And also, because it says Send, the effect cannot be activated when there is any Macro Cosmos like effect on the field. And I believe the discarding monster part is a Cost.
By the way, the monster does not return as it does not state till the end phase. Surprise surprise!
Also once per turn, you can select 1 monster in your Graveyard, and until the End Phase of this turn, this card becomes the same level as the selected monster.
This is a grave targeting effect. Say hi to Necro Valley! And also, when the monster that is selected gets removed from the grave during resolution, the effect will not resolve and does nothing.
Such long post! Anyway this card is so good and easily splash-able into almost every deck.
Dark Decks:
A welcome addition, it can help discard Dark into grave, it can steal opponent Dark Arm if you can't summon your own (if it lives), and many other creative stuff.
Undead Decks:
Chugging Mezuki was never so easy and rewarding. Combine with Carrier for good results.'
Gadget decks:
Always big! Gadget decks might just see more play with Tuners now but who knows.
I dunno how it will fit in other than discarding your Lightlords to make your grave bigger lol. But yah, it's additional Defense.
Gladiator Beasts:
Uhm.... I dunno... Maybe not.... lol
Emperor Decks:
The same old thing, now with additional "Brain Controls".
There are of course other things you can do with this but there are just too many to list, tap into your creative juices now!
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